Thursday 15 December 2011


I  wanted to write this blog last night, but i'm currently living in a 2- level hotel room that has a door that keeps unlocking and waiting for me, open, almost every day. Needless to say, daylight is my friend here at the Mayfield Inn. 

I saw HUGO yesterday, and loved it (if you are a fan of cinema and its origins, you MUST see it). The movie features an automaton, and it got me thinking about PIN. 
Hugo's Automaton

This movie scared the BEJEESUS outta me. Btw, I saw it at 16. I've seen TONS of horror and B movies, am a total film nerd, and didn't expect much from this quiet Canadian movie. But hot damn, between this and the original Black Christmas, can we Canucks do horror or WHAT?!

Remember this video cover at the on-the-corner video stores in the suburbs?

Leon and Ursula are brother and sister. They have crappy parents. Their mother is an OCD clean freak and their father is a Doctor who pretty much ignores his kids except in one tiny little way.
No, he doesn’t rape them. He uses ventriloquism and a life-sized mannequin named Pin (Pinocchio – get it?) to explain the facts of life to his kids. Seems harmless enough, but little old Leon believes the doll is real. This is reinforced when Leon catches a nurse having sex with the mannequin.
After the parents die in a car crash, the fun begins. Leon brings Pin home to live with him and his sister. Pin begins to give Leon advice on life just like before. And who to kill. So the question is: Is Leon crazy or is Pin real? 
-(Stolen from

If you want to get REALLY scared, like, SCARED IN THE MIND, see this sad and haunting movie about a boy and his mannequin friend. 

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